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Stay At Home Parents and Divorce in NJ

Tag: divorce

Stay At Home Parents and Divorce in NJ

March 25, 2014

If you are a stay at home parent, you may be wondering if this will give you an edge in your divorce or custody case. After all, you’ve been your child’s primary parent and have likely been the person most

Changing Attorneys in Your Divorce Case in NJ

March 25, 2014

Working with an attorney is like working with any other professional. Sometimes it just isn’t a good fit. In rare cases, a family law attorney could make a mistake, fail to listen to you, or do things you don’t agree

When Can I Remarry after Divorce in NJ?

March 25, 2014

You may wonder when you are able to remarry after your divorce. In New Jersey, you are free to remarry at any point after your divorce is final. However, you must be certain your divorce is actually official and final.

Sharing a Home During Divorce

March 8, 2014

Many couples continue to live in the same house during and sometimes even after divorce. One of the most common reasons for this is money. If all of your money is tied up in the house, it may be impossible

Getting Help for Your Child During Divorce

March 8, 2014

Your divorce is one of the hardest things you’ve ever dealt with and it is just as difficult, if not more so for your child. Children whose parents divorce often blame themselves, act out, withdraw, have trouble in school, make

Divorce and Retirement Planning

March 8, 2014

Divorce can turn your whole world upside down. Not only is your day to day life drastically changed in terms of where you live, who you live with, how you parent, and what your monthly budget is, but your long-term

Spring Cleaning for Your Divorce

March 8, 2014

Spring is here at last and maybe you’ve got the itch to do some spring cleaning. When you are going through a divorce you may feel the urge to make some big changes at home as you either move into

Successful Stepparents

March 7, 2014

Are you a successful stepparent or married to one? Many people who divorce move on to remarry or re-partner. If you have children this means that your new spouse or partner is your child’s stepparent. If your ex also remarries

How to Navigate the World of Divorce and Children

March 7, 2014

There is much media coverage about the impact of divorce on children. Unfortunately, much of this focus is on the negative effects. What you might not realize is that divorce has some positive effects on your child as well. Here

Safe Deposit Boxes and Divorce

March 5, 2014

Safe-deposit boxes are secure, fireproof storage spaces offered by banks. Some people keep their valuables in a safe-deposit box. If you and your spouse have one, you need to understand some issues regarding your divorce and your safe-deposit box. If

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2 people sitting at a table with wedding rings and a document

Divorce for Irreconcilable Differences in New Jersey

Can feelings of being less connected, of “growing apart,” physical or emotional distance, or mistrust be grounds for divorce in New Jersey, or does a couple need to demonstrate something less abstract?  Does filing for divorce require proof of alleged harm, or can a couple simply come to a...

July 26, 2024 Read More

Couple standing in house with moving boxes

Cohabitation in New Jersey

Whether you are considering a new shared living arrangement with your partner, are already living together before marriage, or wondering about a previous partner’s change in relationship status, it’s a good idea to know how cohabitation laws in New Jersey affect your rights and...

July 18, 2024 Read More

Man and woman sitting on a couch talking

False allegations in divorce: How to defend yourself against false allegations in divorce

What are false accusations in a divorce case?  False accusations in divorce can deal with any issue or situation when the other parent or party has made a false statement about you. Unfortunately, false allegations and false accusations, two terms used interchangeably, are common in divorce...

July 11, 2024 Read More

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