Talking About Your Ex After Divorce

A lot of people find social media such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter to be a great way to vent and find support during and after their divorce. Writing a blog is another way to publicly discuss and work through your divorce. While there is definitely something therapeutic about working through your feelings in writing, you do need to give some thought to what you publish online or through social media

If you say something about your ex in writing and it is not true, you could be sued for libel. Slander is a similar charge for things that are said verbally. Most likely if you are writing or saying things about your ex, you probably know or believe they are true. Truth is an absolute defense to these charges, but you need to ask yourself if you really want to have to pay a lawyer to prove that. If you say things that upset or anger your ex he or she could bring such a case against you and it will take many months and a lot of money to resolve it.

If you and your ex have a child together, you need to remember that not only will your child someday be online and able to find and read what you’ve written, but your child is and will always be attached to your ex. When you denigrate your ex, you could cause harm to your child without intending to.

The other issue is deciding how you want to focus your energy. While it may be helpful to share your thoughts with friends on Facebook (if you have your privacy settings under control!), at some point it becomes more helpful to focus on yourself and your future than your ex.

Call DeTorres & DeGeorge for help with your divorce or family law case in New Jersey.