How to Choose a Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering divorce, it’s time to talk with an attorney who can help you understand the law and your rights. Choosing a divorce attorney can seem daunting. Follow these tips to make a choice that works for you.

Understand the different types of attorneys. Any attorney in New Jersey can handle a divorce case, however, the New Jersey Supreme Court certifies attorneys who have years of experience, education and knowledge in divorce cases as Certified Matrimonial Attorneys. When you work with an attorney who has this designation, you know you are working with someone who is highly skilled and respected.

Find someone you feel comfortable with. Just as you look for a doctor you feel you can communicate well with, you want an attorney who understands you and talks with you in a way that is respectful and compassionate. Make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney so that you can meet in person and get to know each other. Ask about his or her background, experience, and approach.

Understand Fees. Your divorce is an investment in your future. You need to understand what the costs will be before you can commit to working with any attorney.

Consider Alternatives. Find out if the attorney you are considering handles divorce mediation or collaborative divorce. These two methods allow you to spend less, move your case more quickly, and reduce conflict with your spouse.

Call DeTorres & DeGeorge for a consultation to discuss your divorce today.