Life After Divorce

Starting a new life after divorce can be daunting for most people.  It is natural to feel uncertain about your future after a divorce. While your divorce may have been difficult, use this as an opportunity to make a fresh start.

Rebuilding your life after divorce

Rebuilding financially after divorce is a critical part of starting a new life after divorce.  It is important to create a realistic budget moving forward. You will want to pay attention to the amount of money that will be available to you each month and itemize your regular bills, and payments that you will be responsible to make going forward. Creating a budget will allow you to determine how much discretionary income will be available to you. This may also help you to cut costs where necessary.

How to make it on your own after divorce

This is the perfect time to think about what you want for your life moving forward. What are your goals? What do you think is necessary to make you a happy person? It is the time to think about who you want to be and how you will be able to achieve your goals. This is an opportunity to try new activities and learn new skills. You may decide to change the way you interact with people in your life or find new friends or social circles. You may even be ready to start to date again.  Do not rush into dating or starting a new relationship.  Spend the time that you need to work on yourself. 

Recovering from divorce

Now is the time for you to take the time that you need to process the emotions that you had to deal with during the divorce. Experiencing negative emotions is common and natural. It is necessary to allow yourself the opportunity to process those emotions so that they do not lead into negative habits. Moving past unhealthy feelings, and starting to heal so that you can move your life in a positive direction is critical in your happiness. You may also want to consult a therapist or support group to facilitate this healing process for you.

Post-Divorce Advice

If you have children together, concentrate on parenting with with your former spouse is a positive way to achieve goals that parents have, which is to put their children first and learn how to navigate this new co parent relationship. Come to terms with your divorce. 

What no to do after divorce

Utilize self-help and other resources that may be available to you. Be sure to use this as an opportunity to make positive changes in your life. Don not allow this situation to create negative habits or maybe worsen existing bad habits.

If you have been considering significant changes, such as going back to school, changing careers, or moving out of state, this may be the time to make those changes.

There are many resources available to people going through a divorce and working toward creating a new life after divorce.

Here at DeTorres & DeGeorge, your future is our focus. If you are recovering from divorce and have questions about restarting your life after divorce, we  are ready to talk to you today. Schedule a consultation.