Remarriage After Divorce

Children often fantasize about their parents remarrying after divorce. Getting back together with your ex is likely something that has crossed your mind as well either during your divorce or after. A study from California State University in Sacramento found that 6% of couples who have been divorced remarry each other. An even larger number of couples reunite and give their relationship another go without remarrying.

Remarrying your ex can be tempting. You have a history together. You may have children together who very much want a reunion. You understand each other and know each other’s routines, families, faults, and histories. You likely still have feelings for each other and always will. And often the devil you know is more appealing and easier to deal with than the devil you don’t.

If you do remarry, you may be wondering what happens to your divorce decree. The best plan is to talk to your divorce attorney and have the decree set aside. Child support and alimony payments will then no longer be legally required and you want to be sure to have this done correctly so neither one of you accrues financial obligations in the eyes of the State. It is also a good idea to consider entering into a prenuptial agreement so that should your marriage fail again, you will have some protections in place for both of you.

Making your relationship work the second time around requires a lot of work and a lot of maturity. The good news is you already know what your problems are as a couple and you can address those together or with a therapist so that you can strengthen your relationship and fix the problems that ended things before.

DeTorres & DeGeorge has answers to all of your questions about divorce and remarriage in New Jersey. Call us now to schedule a consultation.