Avoiding Post-Divorce Pitfalls

Once your divorce is over and you are moving forward with your life, you may feel your worries are over. This is a new chapter in your life and a time for change, however there are some pitfalls you should be aware of as you create your future.

  • Overspending. The months immediately following your divorce are a dangerous time for your finances. You are likely setting up your own individual household, which means there are many things you need to buy. You are facing a completely new group of bills and your income may have changed. In addition, you are likely paying legal bills. It is easy for your financial life to get out of control at this point. The best plan is to create a monthly budget that fits within your income and stick to it. You need to also plan for emergencies and the unexpected.
  • Rebound relationships. Some people dive right into the dating scene immediately after a divorce, determined to start their new life. While it can be healthy to meet new people and design a new social life for yourself, it is important to be honest with yourself about what type of relationship you are really ready for. Dating before you are truly ready can be a recipe for disaster.
  • Lost friendships. There is no question that your personal life requires some readjustment after divorce and it is common to lose touch with some friends, particularly those with whom you spent time as couples. It is tempting to clean house and think no one who was in your married life can understand your new situation. Don’t be too hasty to break up with friends. They may understand more than you expect and long-standing friendships can give you a sense of stability as many things in your life are changing.

The skilled lawyers at DeTorres & DeGeorge are here to help you through your divorce. Call us today.