Why Your Church May Not Recognize Your Divorce

Recently the Pope made headlines when he spoke with a woman married to a man who was divorced. Because her husband’s divorce was not recognized by the Catholic Church (he did not get a religious annulment), she was denied communion. This news story highlighted an issue that affects many people. Even though you are granted a divorce by your state or your country and are legally divorced and free to marry again, this is not the same as a religious annulment and you are not able to remarry within your religious institution if your religion has its own requirements.

Catholic Annulment

To be divorced in the eyes of the Catholic Church there must have been something wrong with the marriage from the beginning. The spouses must have not used their best judgment when marrying, were psychologically unable to freely marry or did not have the necessary intention to remain married and faithful to each other until death and to have children together. The spouses must testify before a diocesan tribunal and it may be necessary to have witnesses offer written testimony as well. To obtain a Catholic annulment, you should speak to your priest.

Jewish Get

To be divorced in the eyes of your temple, you must obtain a get. A written document called the get is prepared by an expert and includes specific language. The husband hands the wife this document in front of a rabbinical court and witnesses. Once this process has been completed, the marriage is dissolved. To obtain a get, you should speak to your rabbi.

There are also specific divorce rules within the Islamic religion. If you have any questions about your marital status and your religion, speak with your clergy.

The experienced attorneys at DeTorres & DeGeorge represent clients of all religions in divorce and family law. We serve High Bridge, New Jersey and the surrounding areas. Call us today at 908-284-6005 for an appointment.