When Can I Remarry after Divorce in NJ?

You may wonder when you are able to remarry after your divorce. In New Jersey, you are free to remarry at any point after your divorce is final. However, you must be certain your divorce is actually official and final. It is not final until the judgment of divorce is signed by the Judge. Even if you have reached an agreement, your attorneys have submitted a settlement, or you’ve had your trial, your divorce is not final and you are not free to marry again until you have that signed judgment. Any marriage that occurs before then is not legal and valid.

Deciding to remarry is an important decision. You’ve just been through a divorce, so you know how complicated and exhausting dissolving a marriage can be. Experts usually recommend taking some time after a divorce to adjust to your new situation. If you are dating someone you are serious about, you can live together at any time (even if your divorce is not final) and this may give you a sense of what it is like to create a life together.

If you have children, deciding to remarry can be fraught with pitfalls, so it is best if your new partner has time to get to know and develop a relationship with your children.

If you are planning to remarry, you should consider creating a prenuptial agreement, which will determine exactly how your assets and debts would be divided should you divorce your new spouse at some point in the future. A prenup can give you a sense of security and a chance to talk through your finances together.

Call DeTorres & DeGeorge for representation in your divorce or custody case in the Bridgewater and Warren areas of New Jersey. We also help clients create prenuptial agreements. Contact us today for an appointment.