What You Can Learn from Celebrity Divorces in Stewartsville, New Jersey

Celebrity divorces make huge headlines, with all the details getting much coverage in the tabloids and even on news and talk shows. While celebrity divorces are different from your divorce in many ways (the amount of money involved, the media coverage, and the concern about public image will be very different in your divorce), there are some important lessons to be learned from the way celebrity divorces play out.

  • A settlement is usually a better choice for everyone. There are very few celebrities who actually go head to head in a divorce trial. They can’t deal with public exposure of that kind, but it is also likely their attorneys advise them that reaching a settlement through negotiations, mediation, or collaborative law is best for everyone. The same is true in your divorce. Reaching a settlement should be your goal.
  • Keep your kids out of it. When a high profile couple divorces or faces marital problems, suddenly their children are nowhere to be seen, and with good reason. Sheltering children from the arguments, legal proceedings, and adult conversations that are necessary is a good plan for every divorce. Your kids need to know you are divorcing and they need to know what the plan is as it affects them, but they don’t need to know all the details and they shouldn’t witness the arguments and emotional upheaval if it can be helped.
  • Be positive about the other parent. Many celebs are careful to praise their ex’s parenting skills. Saying only positive things about your child’s other parent will support their relationship and help your child heal from the divorce. Even if you don’t have kids, badmouthing your ex in public generally does nothing but make you look bad (think about Alec Baldwin).
  • A good attorney is your best defense. As soon as a celebrity divorce begins, both sides hire high quality attorneys. A good attorney is important in every divorce, no matter how many assets are involved.

DeTorres & DeGeorge is the firm you can rely on for compassionate representation in your divorce or family law case in Califon, New Jersey and the surrounding areas. Call us to schedule a consultation at 908-284-6005.