College Expenses

Divorcing parents who have children at or approaching college age tend to have many emotionally charged questions regarding their financial obligations for their children’s higher education, most notably: Are we required to pay their tuition?

In New Jersey, parents – divorced or otherwise – do have an obligation to support their un-emancipated children, and that support may include contributing to the children’s college expenses. New Jersey courts tend to recognize the rights of children to have parents pay college tuition so long as the parents have an ability to do so.

For divorced parents in particular, each parent’s obligation to contribute to the college tuition expenses of their children is reached in the marital settlement agreement that is set forth during the divorce process. Although the NJ Child Support Guidelines – which determine child support payment amounts – do not apply to children attending college, there may still be a child support award in place depending on all of the financial circumstances of the divorcing couple.

The connection between college tuition expenses and the payment of child support for children attending college is complicated. Our attorneys will work cooperatively with you to understand your needs and the needs of your children to achieve the very best result for your family.

For more information, call DeTorres & DeGeorge Family Law Attorneys today at 908-304-9679 to schedule a consultation.

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