Can Divorce Ever Be Truly Amicable in Bedminster, New Jersey?

You’ve probably heard the term “amicable divorce” used to describe some splits. These divorces are portrayed as easy and conflict-free. Gwyneth Paltrow’s recent divorce comes to mind as an example of a break up that is being described as angst-free.

The truth of the matter is there is no divorce that is completely easy for anyone. The very fact that you are ending a marriage that you, at some point, hoped would last and believed was meaningful, is a sign that there is conflict and difficult emotions involved in the process.

While it is possible to have a divorce that has reduced levels of conflict, you can never truly eliminate the underlying tension that stems from a failed relationship. You and your spouse may be able to agree you should get a divorce in a fairly calm way, but once you begin to separate, you each must focus on your own best interests. You are concerned with your own financial future, your own parenting rights, and how you want to move into your future as a single person.

The divorce legal process can be polarizing, but it is important that you change your mindset from ‘us’ to ‘me’ if you want to be protected and plan proactively. Mediation and collaborative law are two processes that focus on reaching compromise and mutually agreeable outcomes in divorce and family law, however your attorney will still help you think about your rights and your needs so that you can make good choices that will sustain you in the years to come.

When you are facing a divorce or family law case in New Jersey, DeTorres & DeGeorge is ready to provide compassionate representation. We serve Hampton, New Jersey and the surrounding areas. Call today at 908-284-6005 to discuss your case.